Why it Matters: Nature to the Rescue
Janurary 2022
An exciting new episode on Channel News Asia's Why it Matters series featuring local biomimicry applications. Featuring Dr. Dayna Baumeister (Co-founder Biomimicry 3.8 and our mentor), Dr. Kelly Siman on how animal whiskers have inspired better NASA aerodynamics, Dr. Zheng Kai on how termite mounds have inspired better wall panels. The latter is part of bioSEA's collaboration with SUTD where we are developing a biomimicry design toolkit for building facades in tropical Singapore.
Mind Blown Series: Nature to the Rescue
November 2021
A new episode on Channel News Asia's Mind Blown series featuring local biomimicry inspirations. Dr. Yap Von Bing on how plants do Math, Dr. Amy Choong on how plants communicate via its fungal networks (also called the Wood Wide Web), Keita Sin on how birds can inspire energy-efficient flight, Dr. Anuj Jain on how termite mounds can improve ventilation for buildings in tropical climates and reduce air conditioning and Dr. Yugen Zhang on how cicada wings can help prevent bacterial growth.
Sharing Stories Project
November 2021
We were featured in the Biomimicry Institute's collection of 14 stories about how biomimicry educators are helping people reconnect with nature across the globe. Don't forget to check out the other stories. All super cool.
Urban Redevelopment Authority features Biomimicry Singapore Network
December 2019
A new article by the Urban Development Authority (URA) of Singapore covered Biomimicry Singapore Network and the Biological and Biomimetic Materials Laboratory (BBML) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore.
The author quoted Dr. Anuj as saying - “Circular economy, at its very root, is biomimicry. It’s a concept we learned from nature—nature produces no waste”. It also quoted Prof Ali Miserez from NTU whose lab is studying the structural, biochemical, and physicochemical principles of natural organisms.
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A new documentary on Nature's Tiny Superheroes on Channel News Asia
July 2019
Voiced by naturalist Nick Baker, Our Tiny Superheroes is an incredible introduction to the mini-marvels living among us, and the maverick scientists in Singapore who are trying to unlock the secrets of their superpowers. Do not miss watching this 42 mins documentary to understand the deep biomimicry research that is ongoing in Singapore.
Watch Now
Building Cities with tips of Nature
11 August 2017
Dr. Anuj Jain and Mrs. Kirtida Mekani wrote in STRAITS TIMES Science section on 11 Aug 2017 about how answers to Singapore's sustainability innovation might, after all, lie in better understanding and learning from our rich natural heritage. Singapore has already championed tropical urban greenery and is one of the world’s most biodiverse cities. Can we also be champions in innovation from nature in the tropics, and spur a new generation of nature-inspired entrepreneurship? We will need to inculcate a practice of viewing nature as our classroom - a model, a measure and a mentor.​
Read the online article here
Article: Nature's Strategies in Desert & Swamp
Nature Watch April - June 2017
An article by Dr. Anuj Jain in the Nature Society (Singapore)'s quarterly magazine 'Nature Watch'
on learning from nature explains how flora and fauna have adapted in the contrasting biomes of a swamp forest in Louisiana and the Sonoran desert in the US – adaptations that biomimicry practitioners might be able to use to find solutions to human problems.