Biomimetics & Biomaterials Research, Nanyang Technological University
Dr Ali Gilles Tehenguise Miserez’s lab studies natural multi-functional materials that feature unique properties not achieved in man-made...

Butterfly scales and structural colours
The cross-disciplinary research team from NUS and SUTD are trying to better understand how exactly (structurally, optically and...

Yellow-fin tuna mimicking underwater vehicle
The promise of faster, energy efficient, agile and stealth vehicles for sea locomotion remains very appealing to the global economy....

Biomimicry at the Nano level: TedxSingapore women by Dr. Low Hong Yee
One of 3 winners in the 2010 L'oreal for Women in Science Fellowship, Dr. Low Hong Yee talks about bio-inspired nanotechnology and her...

‘Super Trees’ - Gardens by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay is composed of 18 colossal, solar powered “supertree” structures that harbor several plants as well as two energy...

Biomimicry incubators: business case for conservation
By Sylvian Richer de Forges (Siloso beach resort, Director of Sustainability, Singapore) The similarities between the natural and...

Understanding Biological Desalination in Mangroves and Biomimetic applications
The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and NEWRI (Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technology...

Insect inspired bioplastic
Dr. Fernandez, formerly from MIT and Harvard, has produced a new bioplastic isolated from shrimp shells. It’s made from chitosan, a form...